The fascination of stone, shape and color has always been an essential part of me. In my medical time, I dealt with art therapy.
My enthusiasm for 3-D then let me complete my training as a sculptor. The processing of marble is a big challenge for me, which inspires me a lot.
Here I show beauty and go to the limit with the material, let the marble unfold and stretch in its elegance, holding power and ethereal nature through the simplicity of the shape.
Working with clay and then later in bronze gives me the opportunity to work plastically and thus shape the ideas work differently.
This is where the series 'Tracks drawn by life' was created. First and foremost, the series shows the traces that life draws in its fatefulness in the faces or bodies.
Under the heading various materials you will find other ideas that were important to me to realize.
S Solo exhibition | J Joint Exhibitions
Here you can see pictures of my work / artworks with the different materials:
Overview of my Works in Marble:
Welle 1 | Welle 2 | Welle 3 | Richtungswechsel | Wasserfrau | Delfin | Rhythmus
Overview of my Works in Bronze:
Unter der Burka | Lovers | Aufbruch | Löwenfrau
From the Series Tracks drawn by life
Beginn der Reise | Spinning Head | Reife | Zerfall | Unentschlossen
Overview of my Works in Various Materials
Eingetrichtert | How would Peter Pan... | Pan |Gift of Wings | Ursprung 1 | Ursprung 2
From the Series Tracks drawn by life
Erste Fragen | Konditionierung... | Unentschlossen | Stille... | How would Peter Pan...
Info: The dimensions of the sculptures are given in the format height (H) x width (W) x depth (D).
First Part of the Title of the Works is original, second part Translation, e.g.: Original - Translation
The wave, the rhythm of life, fascination in its power and form, always recurring, giving hope, solidified in marble, gives dynamic to the marble.
By going to the limit with the material, the marble becomes so thin that its song can be heard.
Material: Carrara-Marble| Year of Origin: 2004 | Format: 20 x 9 x 52 cm
Material: Carrara-Marble | Year of Origin: 2016 | Format: 49 x 29 x 19 cm
Material: Carrara-Marble | Year of Origin: 2019 | Format: 28 x 18 x 32 cm
Material: Carrara-Marble | Year of Origin: 2014 | Format: 16 x 30 x 14 cm
Material: Carrara-Marble | Year of Origin: 2000 | Format: 54 x 37 x 29cm
Privately owned
Material: Pietrasanta-Marble | Year of Origin: 2004 | Format: 12 x 17 x 76cm
Loan to the "Society for the Rescue of Baltic Sea Dolphins"
Material: Carrara-Marble | Year of Origin: 2001 | Format: 63 x 43 x 47cm
In the District Office of Friedrichshafen
Material: Bronze | Year of Origin: 2013 | Format: cm
Material: Bronze | Year of Origin: 2014 | Format: 22 x 9 x 5,5 cm
Material: Bronze | Year of Origin: 2007 | Format: 35 x 13 x 12 cm
Series of 7 | 5 are privatly owned
Material: Bronze patinated | Year of Origin: 2010 | Format: 20 x 6 x 5,3 cm
Weitere Arbeiten in Bronze finden Sie unten bei der Serie Spuren, die das Leben zeichnet
Material: Clay, Plastic, Acrylic | Year of Origin: 2019 | Format: 37 x 26 x 20 cm
Material: Plaster, Driftwood, Soapstone | Year of Origin: 2017 | Format: 79 x 28 x 32cm
Material: Plaster, Copper | Year of Origin: 2016 | Format: 107 x 100 x 42 cm - Base: 82 x 47 x 48 cm
Material: Plaster | Year of Origin: 1998 | Format: 37 x 42 x 54
Material: Plaster | Year of Origin: 2018 | Format: 59 x 29 x 30cm
Weitere Arbeiten in diversen Materialien finden Sie unten bei der Serie Spuren, die das Leben zeichnet
The series "Tracks drawn by life" shows the traces that life in its fatefulness draws on faces or bodies in works made of different materials
Das menschliche Gesicht zu modellieren,
heißt nicht, das Offensichtliche zu kopieren.
Vielmehr bedeutet es, dass man etwas entdeckt
und ans Licht bringt, das nicht greifbar ist.
Es ist jedoch die Realität subtiler Volumen,
die die Illusion einer Seele entstehen lässt.
P. Faraud 2009
Material: Clay, Plaster | Year of Origin: 2017 | Format: 30 x 23 x 10 cm
Material: Bronze | Year of Origin: 2005 | Format: 23 x 10 x 6,5 cm | Base: Wood, finished in Colour; Granite - 113 x 20 x 10 cm
Material: Bronze | Year of Origin: 2016 | Format: | Base: Wood, finished in Colour; Granite - 113 x 20 x 10 cm
In Privatbestitz
Material: Bronze | Year of Origin: 20 | Format: 13 x 8 x 6 cm | Base: Wood, finished in Colour; Granite - 113 x 20 x 10 cm
In proprietà privata
Material: Bronze | Year of Origin: 2017 | Format: 10 x 7,5 x 5 cm | Base: Wood, finished in Colour; Granite - 113 x 20 x 10 cm
Material: Bronze | Year of Origin: 2022 | Format: 10 x 28 x 22 cm
Material: Plaster | Year of Origin: 2018 | Format: 16 x 30 x 14 cm
Material: Clay, Plaster | Year of Origin: 2017 | Format: 30 x 20 x 10 cm
Material: Plaster, Glass | Year of Origin: 2018 | Format: 45 x 30 x 24 cm
Material: Clay, Textile, Arylic| Year of Origin: 2019 | Format: 42 x 16 x 15 cm
In Privatbesitz